101 Fifth Ave., PITTSBURGH, PA.
C. T. RUSSELL, Editor and Publisher.
J. H. PATON, . . . .
W. I. MANN, . . . . SWISSVALE, PA.
B. W. KEITH, . . .
H. B. RICE, . . . W. OAKLAND, CAL.
A. D. JONES, . . .
In no case will the Editor be responsible for all sentiments expressed by correspondents, nor is he to be understood as indorsing every expression in articles selected from other periodicals.
All communications should be addressed to "ZION'S WATCH TOWER," as above, and drafts, money orders, etc., made payable to the Editor.
r63 DIALOGUE. Rev. 13.r65 "As Unknown and yet Well Known."
r66 The Old and New.
r66 Into All Truth.
r68 The Completeness of the Body.
r67 Type and Antitype.
r69 Sanctification.
r69 Farewell.
r69 Extracts from a Letter.
Our request, of last issue met with a generous response for which we extend you our thanks. Very many of the papers returned were liberally underscored etc., and gave evidence of interest and careful and prayerful reading which was very interesting and pleasant for the editor to notice. Although not laboring for the "praise of men" nor "seeking praise one of another;" yet every such indication of your interest in the work we have so deeply at heart, gives us fresh strength and joy.
The kind words received from many of you during the past six months have been duly appreciated also. Although we have not been able to answer you, they have afforded your editor pleasure and comfort, and that was doubtless your object. We seldom publish letters, of correspondents, because firstly, we have no room to spare, and secondly, they generally contain personal allusion to the writers too complimentary to admit of publication. We subjoin just two, which contain no personal allusions and which represent many received.
Springfield, Mass. Dear Brother: I send you the paper you requested, but fear it will not be fit to send to your subscribers (The paper received was marked etc., from first to last, I kept it as a memento.) I read them over and over, lend them, but never give them away for they are as choice to me as gold dust. As I read I mark and comment for my own benefit, so you see it is pretty well worn out and defaced. I cannot pay you until warm weather as my coal takes up all my spare money. But if you can, please continue it to me and may the Lord reward you. Your sister in Christ. V. N. J.
Yes sister you will get your paper, as freely without as with the money. It is published expressly for such as you.
A new reader writing from Vermont says: "A lady friend sent me two copies of ZION'S WATCH TOWER, which came from an unknown source. I then wrote to you and got more, also the little hymn book. I cannot express my gratitude to you for sending them to me. They are just what I wanted. It is meat and drink to read them. I want to introduce these papers into our village if I can. I think they are just what is needed all over the earth. As I am 83 years old and unable to canvas I have secured the services of a young lady to do so for me. Very truly yours." M. D. W.
So it is, here and there, everywhere, some can say with the prophet "Thy word was found and I did eat it." It is sweet unto my taste.
THE article entitled "The Holy Bible," crowded out of the December number, and referred to in the "Questions of Correspondents" last month, will be found in this number.
r70 WILL THE CHURCH BE Ar71 Brother Geo. Storrs.
BRO. PATON purposes visiting several places in Indiana, Illinois and Iowa during January and February. Any living in that direction who desire meetings should address him at once. J. H. Paton, Almont, Michigan.
r70 Our Living Saviour.r71 Bible Class Department.