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[Songs in the Night - December 16] < >
The Good Shepherd giveth his life for the sheep. John 10:11
OUR Lord wished it to be understood that his life,
which would shortly be given, was voluntarily submitted
on his part.
It was necessary that his disciples
should know this, not merely that they might esteem
their Lord more highly, but especially that they might
realize him as the Redeemer whose voluntary sacrifice
for our sins redeemed father Adam and his entire
To have confidence in the result they must
have confidence in his resurrection—that the Father
had so pleased and had given his sanction or authority
or power to this end.
Our Lord acknowledged that
all the authority, all the power in connection with his
resuscitation was of the Father.
He was trusting implicitly
to the Father, and so doing was able to lay
down even life itself on behalf of the flock.
The same
will be true of all who would walk in his steps.
order to be faithful in the laying down of our lives, we
must have faith in the Father and in the great plan
of salvation which hinges upon the sacrifice of our
With this matter clearly before our minds we
may have grace and strength for every time of need. Z'05-91 R3528:6 (Hymn 257)