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[Songs in the Night - November 5] < >
With the mouth confession is made unto salvation. Romans 10:10
THIS implies that a dumb believer will never make
his calling and election sure.
We do not refer to those
who are naturally dumb: but understand the word
"mouth" in the same sense that we speak of the "ears"
of our heart, and the "eyes of our understanding."
heart that sees and hears the grace of God, and that
truly accepts the same, must in due time become so
enthused with the things heard and seen that it cannot
refrain from some outward manifestation of its joy and
peace and hope and trust and thankfulness.
As the
apostles declared, "We cannot but speak the things
which we have seen and heard."
All Christians who,
having received the light of truth, having seen the
grace of God in the divine plan, having tasted that the
Lord is gracious, having heard the wonders of "so great
salvation, which began to be spoken by our Lord, and
was confirmed unto us by them that heard him"—these
must not, cannot, keep silence nor put their light under
a bushel.
If they do, it means the extinguishment of
their light, the stoppage of their growth; and persevered
in this would ultimately mean to them destruction
in the second death: for those who are ashamed
of the Lord and his Word, after they have discerned
clearly, not only are not fit for the kingdom, but of
such the Lord would be ashamed under any and all
conditions. Z'02-72 R2966:5 (Hymn 261)