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[Manna - November 7] PDF < >
And I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the Word of God. Revelation 20:4
ALTHOUGH this beheading is figurative and not
literal, it nevertheless has a deep significance....It signifies, not only death to self-will, but also to be
cut off from all other heads, governments and law-givers,
and to recognize no "head" but Jesus, whom
God hath appointed to be the Head of the church,
which is His body....It means, not only to be cut off from institutional heads and authorities, but also
to cease to have heads and wills of our own, and to
accept, instead, the headship, the will, of our Lord
It is the same thought that is drawn to our
attention by the apostle in Romans 6:3, where he declares
that we are baptized into the body of Christ,
as members of that body, under the one Head, Christ,
by being baptized into His death,—a full consecration
of our wills, and ultimately a full laying down of our
lives, faithfully unto death. Z. '00-285 R2700:6