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[Manna - June 24]  PDF  <  >

If children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ, if so be that we suffer with Him, that we may be also glorified together. Romans 8:17
READING the Father's plans for ourselves, in the light of His will exemplified in His dealings with our Master, we may settle it at once that it is not His will to keep us from all pain and trial and sufferings, and to carry us triumphantly to glory on flowery beds of ease. Quite the reverse, indeed, must be our course if we would follow in the footsteps of Him whom God set forth to be, not only a satisfaction for the sins of the whole world, but also a pattern to the church, which is His body. And this much learned of God's plan and will promptly teaches us that we must not expect and should not ask freedom from pain and trouble, which His wisdom has ordained to be the path to glory. Z.'96-151 R2000:2