As a representative of the Columbus, Ohio, Ecclesia, I bring you their fervent Christian love and an expression of mutual joy and sorrow. We rejoice in thinking of the transcendent happiness our Beloved Pastor is now realizing in its fullness, because of his faithfulness even unto death; and we resolve by God's grace to bury our sorrow in the service of those who are yet hungering and thirsting for His true Message.
I feel that I am voicing the sentiment of the Columbus Class when I assure you that we are determined, with Divine help, to carry on the work which our Beloved Pastor has left with us, and we wish to cooperate to the fullest extent with Headquarters in the further smiting of Jordan.
How glad I shall be to tell the dear friends at home of the wonderful manifestation of the Spirit of Christ which I have witnessed here—how well you have all learned your lessons in this most wonderful School in the world, with a real, kingly priest as teacher!
What an exemplar of our Lord Jesus Christ we had in our Beloved Pastor! But God has called him Home; and it now remains for each of us to demonstrate to the Lord how well we have learned our lessons.
On one occasion our Beloved Pastor was telling me of the order and system at Bethel. He said, "Business men were glad to employ clerks who received their training in my stores years ago, and I am now wondering, Will others be asking for our help because of the wonderful privileges enjoyed in this training School?"
May God help us to respond heartily to the call and be faithful even unto death!