THIS CONVENTION has been specially arranged for the convenience of Bible students within a radius of a thousand miles from Kansas City. We have no doubt, however, that many will be in attendance from still greater distances. The place itself is ideal and strictly first-class in every particular. It borders a beautiful lake and has free access to the health-giving Spring from which it takes its name.
Many will be able to attend this Convention who could not conveniently come to one in the East by reason of the cost in money and time. Our expectation is that this will be one of our most enjoyable Conventions. We never had [R5030 : page 168] a better situation as respects conditions surrounding, quiet, etc.
The proprietors of the Chautauqua are also the owners of a large hotel there and of rooming flats in Warrensburg. They guarantee comfortable accommodations for a thousand persons at $1.50 per day. Aside from this we are arranging with private householders in Warrensburg for as many more at $1.00 each, two in a room. The round-trip fare to Pertle Springs daily will make the amount $1.10. However, none would best reckon on less than $1.25 per day.
Excursion rates are already in operation, but these are being extended so that a fare of not more than four cents per mile for the round-trip may be expected to be in operation by the time you receive this notice.
The speakers for the Convention will include some of the very best. Brother Rutherford will be Chairman, and Brother Russell will be in attendance also. The sessions will begin Sunday, June 2, at the Springs, continue there throughout the week and adjourn to conclude at Kansas City June 9.
Decide as quickly as possible whether or not you will attend this Convention. If you decide to attend, write immediately to the Society's representative, N. Engle, Warrensburg, Mo., stating what priced accommodations you desire and, if you will not be staying the entire time, which days you will be in attendance.
We hope for a grand reunion at Pertle Springs and for a season of spiritual refreshment. To this end we exhort all who attend to come praying that the Lord will bless them, not only in receiving a blessing, but also in dispensing one to others. We are sure, as on other occasions, [R5030 : page 169] not to go away empty, but to carry with us spiritual blessings for the refreshment of those at home not permitted to attend.
The program for the Convention includes a "Harvest Workers' Day." Noting this, one dear friend who has received great spiritual profit through the Colporteur service has proffered assistance to all the Colporteurs of the Society in attendance to the extent of $5—to all who shall have been in the regular Colporteur work for at least three months prior to the Convention. We have no doubt that this proposal will be helpful to some who might not otherwise be able to bear the expense. The money is deposited with the Colporteur Department and will be credited on the accounts or handed over in money, as may best suit the convenience of the receivers.