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[R4638 : page 207]



I happened to come across one of your tracts for April, 1909, and was intensely interested in the article, "Where Are the Dead?" It set me to thinking and to reading the Bible as I never did before. Finally I got my husband to read the tract and he said he would like to hear that man preach. That was a great deal for him to say, for he has no use for Churches and preachers in general. He is a good man indeed; as he often says, his life is superior to that of many Church members, some of whom go to Church just for style, and through habit and because their forefathers did. He says he would like to have you send your paper and he would read the sermon every Sunday, which he thinks would be better than going to Church.

I am so thankful to God that my husband is at last interested in the things of the future. His dear, sainted sister once said to him that he was too good not to obtain heaven and that she would pray for him constantly. What he wants and I want is the Truth—not the varied opinions of men, and I know we can get it by searching the Scriptures. He is now even reading the Bible, which he says he never did before. As for me, I have always been a regular attendant at Church, being a member of the Presbyterian Church, as are all of my folks. As to having the holy Spirit really within me, I know I have not. I don't think I have ever grasped the fundamental Truth as yet. I have always believed that our beloved dead were in heaven, but as you say they are not judged yet, and how can they be there? Please send your paper to us. I understand it is twelve cents, but if it is more I will send it to you.

Yours very truly for the truth,

MRS. C. H. FULLER—Oregon.



Please send me the PEOPLES PULPIT. I have just been handed a copy of "Where Are the Dead?" I have read it and have become very much interested in your good work. Please send me a copy of the "Thief in Paradise." Find enclosed 12 cents for a year's subscription.

Yours truly, MRS. IDA ZIMMERMAN—Missouri.



A copy of the PEOPLES PULPIT was handed to me last night. I cannot tell you in writing how I enjoyed reading it. Will you kindly forward me the sermons, "Where Are the Dead?" "Thieves in Paradise," and "The Rich Man in Hell." Would also like to receive the six series of "Studies in the Scriptures," as it has not been my good fortune to receive them. Will send 12 cents in the near future for PEOPLES PULPIT. May God prosper you.

Very respectfully yours, C. LAWLER—N.Y.



I found advertisement copy of PEOPLES PULPIT in our letter-box. I would like to have some of the books you speak of. I will subscribe for your paper later. I should like to know if you believe Calvinism to be true. Hoping to hear from you soon, I am,

Truly yours, MRS. FRAYER—N.J.



I was handed one of your papers, PEOPLES PULPIT, which I prize very much for its explanations of the Scripture. Please find enclosed 12 cents for one year's subscription.

Yours very truly, THOS. H. HARRIS—Can.



Your monthly paper, bearing the name PEOPLES PULPIT, came into my hands Sunday morning. I read it through carefully, as it treated of a subject that must greatly interest all thoughtful people. I should like very much to read the subjects enclosed. Please find enclosed 12 cents to pay for subscription.

Yours sincerely, MRS. DORCAS CURNOW—Cal.



By cable we learn that Brother John Edgar underwent a surgical operation which has resulted in his death. We trust for him that he has passed beyond the Second Vail and is now with the Master in glory. He was a dear, humble, faithful brother, whom we greatly loved. His dear family have our sympathy, but we know that they sorrow not as others who have no such hopes as those which buoy us up. The cablegram says that he passed away peacefully, a grand witness to the Truth. He fought a good fight. He kept the faith. He surely finished his work. We hope for him a crown.