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I want to express to you the rejoicing in my heart in that you are safely back from your European trip, and that you were so richly blessed amongst our dear brethren across the water. I could almost fancy myself there with you from the vivid presentations of your letters as published in "The Watch Tower."
Also I want to tell you of the great blessing I have experienced from the renewal of the Vow. When I took that Vow last year I had not given much thought to the matter and consequently took it in rather a half-hearted way. I took it more in the sense of a resolution on my part than as a promise or covenant. I read in the "Tower" of great blessings coming to the hearts of those who had taken the Vow and wondered why I was not much happier too. Thinking over the matter carefully and prayerfully, it occurred to me that there is a difference between a resolution and a promise; that a resolution involved only myself, whereas a promise involves two parties—the Lord and myself. As I have said, I had taken the Vow with more or less half-heartedness, thinking I did not need to concern myself about certain parts of it, which I felt quite confident did not apply in my case.
Dear Brother, it was those certain parts I needed most to be on guard against and did not know it. Where I felt especially strong there was I weakest, and I thought of the similarity in Paul's case. The Lord allowed me to come into a severe mental chastisement. For days I was most miserable, most unhappy. Finally it dawned on my mind that I had not rightly taken the Vow. I prayed earnestly for divine guidance and took the Vow anew, and this time with whole-heartedness and went to sleep peacefully. Early on the morrow—before breakfast—my prayer received answer. God's blessing came suddenly and pronouncedly. My heart gave as it were a mighty bound. My soul filled with rejoicing. I felt like shouting aloud. I never was so happy in my life. There is now in my heart a peace that passes all previous comprehension of heavenly bliss. I know of a surety now that God wants his children to take that Vow. Nothing in the nature of argument or reasoning to the contrary could have any effect on my mind. As Paul of old has said, "I know." My experience in this connection is wonderful. Such a change of blessing from comparative misery I could not have believed possible. Oh, that all the dear saints could realize the blessedness resulting from the proper taking of the Vow that I have realized from its renewal in the proper attitude of heart.
Pray for me, brother, as I pray for you and the Bethel family and all of like faith. The Lord bless you for giving me the opportunity to get so close to the Lord. Thank God for the Vow.
I have been feasting on the fat things God has been providing for the "household of faith" out of his storehouse, things both new and old in this harvest time. When I first came to the table which God has been pleased to appoint you steward of I was spiritually starved. I had sat at many other tables, and while I had been stimulated by the wine of Babylon I was hungry for solid food, and, thank God, I found just what I was hungering for when I received Present Truth. I am now able to "give a reason for the hope that is within me."
Dear Brother, the spiritual food God has empowered you to provide the "household of faith" in due season satisfies me fully, and I have come to realize that God is using one channel through which he is serving us who have made a covenant with him by sacrifice.
So when the Vow came out, although I had never realized any danger to myself from the fallen angels, I did not hesitate in making it mine, knowing that it must be "meat in due season"; and so it has proved to me. Within a month after taking the Vow I was tried along those very lines, and if it had not been for my Vow I should very likely have had my curiosity awakened and perhaps have fallen into a snare of the Evil One.
Although I may not fully understand some of the deep spiritual things being served us, I know God is providing the food through his own appointed way and it must be good and wholesome.
Dear Brother, there are thousands like myself who are feasting and growing strong on the good things God is providing us through you; many you may never hear from or of until we all meet beyond the vail. We pray for you.