BELOW we announce the prepared lessons for June. Word reaches us that the dear friends who have adopted these studies are growing more and more interested in them. They open up so thorough a study of the topics and give all opportunity to participate that they supply more "meat," more spiritual nourishment, than can generally be obtained in the same time.
We recommend these studies for one of the meetings you usually have or for a new meeting if those now held are all too good to be displaced. Something of this kind is surely needed to refresh the mind along lines already partly understood.
The topic is quite sufficient for one session each on the four Sundays of June—say four questions or so each. If possible have each one who can and will read distinctly take a part. For instance, five could share in the first question, three in the second, three in the third, three in the fourth, thirteen in all. If there are fewer than thirteen willing to take part, give more than one reference to the more competent. In no case should an indifferent reader be given a lengthy selection or reference. The success of the study depends greatly on the wisdom of the leader, who should apportion the references the Sunday previous to the meeting, and assist the friends every way as a true "under shepherd," seeing that ample opportunities are afforded for the reverential investigation of each topic. The leader should briefly sum up the findings of the class on each question before proceeding to the next, and in conclusion should summarize briefly all the questions and the Scriptural answers found. These are the Sunday evening lessons of the Allegheny Church at the Bible House Chapel.
1. What is the importance of self-control? Prov. 25:28; 16:32; E.125, par. 1; Z.'01-295 (2d col. par. 2,3); Z.'01-326 (1st and 2d cols.)
2. Is self-control necessary in the interest of others? 1 Cor. 8:13; Z.'03-43 (1st col. par. 2) to 45; Z.'97-234 (2d col. par. 1.)
3. Are we to be "temperate in all things"? 1 Cor. 9:25; Z.'97-147, (2d col. par. 2); Z.'97-76 (2d col. par. 1 to 4.)
4. Does self-control imply purification of the thoughts and intents of the heart? 1 Jno. 3:3; Z.'99-216 (1st col. par. 1); Z.'01-324 (1st col. par. 1,2.)
5. Does temperance or self-control apply to our language? Jas. 1:19,26; Col. 4:6; Eccl. 5:2; Z.'98-250 (1st col. par. 3); Z.'99-75 (2d col. par. 1.)
6. Does self-control extend to business affairs? 1 Tim. 6:10; Z.'98-250 (1st. col. par. 1.)
7. Why is temperance necessary in our eating and drinking? 1 Cor. 10:31; Z.'98-250 (1st col. par. 5.)
8. Should we be temperate in our joys as well as in our sorrows? Z.'98-251 (1st col. par. 6, 2d Col. par. 1); Z.'05-94 (1st col. par. 2.)
9. Is it possible to be intemperate in studying the Scriptures and in attending religious meetings? F.319, par. 1; F.503, par. 1.
10. What is the relation of the "new will" toward the control of the flesh? 1 Cor. 9:27; F.600, par. 1; F.488, par. 2; F.489, par. 1; Z.'01-296 (1st col. par. 1,2.)
11. What is the duty of the Church toward those "new creatures" who are lacking in self-control? F.148, par. 2; F.149, par. 1; F.150, par. 1; F.289-292.
12. Why is self-control an essential qualification in an Elder? Titus 1:7,8; F.251, par. 2; Z.'97-156 (2d col. par. 2); F.249, par. 2; Z.'99-75 (2d col. par. 2); Z.'00-195 (1st col. par. 3.)
13. Why is it important that parents exercise self-control? Col. 3:21; F.526, par. 1; F.527, par. 1; F.528, par. 1,2; F.530, par. 1,2.
14. How can suggestion be applied in teaching children self-control? F.551 (par. 1) to 554.
15. How can we cultivate self-control? Z.'03-421 (1st col. par. 1,2); Z.'98-251 (1st col. par. 4.) (a) By prayer, F.149, par. 1,2. (b) By study of the Word, Z.'02-308 (1st col. par. 1,6; 2d col. par. 1.) (c) By being filled more and more with the Holy Spirit, Z.'02-264 (2d col. par. 4,5); E.275, par. 1; E.283, par. 1,2. (d) By fasting, Z.'98-45 (1st col. par. 2.)
16. What other most important grace will naturally be developed by attaining a large measure of self-control? Z.'98-251 (1st col. par. 3); Z.'96-222 (1st col. par. 1.)