THE friends everywhere will be glad to learn that the Boston Convention was a most excellent one. The Lord greatly blessed the systematic efforts put forth by the dear brethren of the Boston Church in connection with the various arrangements made—the arrangements effected for lodging the visiting friends, the commodious and well located auditorium for the Convention meetings, etc. We cannot think how the dear friends could possibly have done better than they did do. All the arrangements passed off smoothly, happily. The Convention was a great success, not only in number, but specially in spirit, earnestness, love, fellowship.
Some previous Conventions probably had as large a number of visiting brethren and sisters in attendance, but none that we recall have passed off more satisfactorily, more profitably. The limitations of the railroad people touching the date of purchase of tickets was rather disadvantageous, and doubtless hindered some from attending who would otherwise have been with us. As it was, the number of visiting brethren and sisters was estimated at 600, and the attendance, including the public, at the public service of the session was estimated at 2,400. Of course, New England contributed by far the largest proportion of the visitors, some coming from Ontario, Nova Scotia, New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, Virginia, District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Ohio, and one, at least, from as far off as the Pacific coast. It is needless to say that, although many had never met before, they were not strangers. The bond of Christian love bound all our hearts together, and it required a remarkably short time to become thoroughly acquainted.
The programme was carried out, and apparently to the pleasure and profit of all in attendance. Various of the brethren led the praise and testimony meetings, and the regular services were addressed by Brothers J. D. Wright, J. Harrison, H. Samson, R. E. Streeter, A. E. Williamson and the Editor. Sixty two professed a full consecration—immersion into Christ's death—and symbolized the same by water immersion, the average of age being about 40 years.
We feel sure that while met in Convention we had with us the love and prayers and interest of thousands of the Lord's dear people in every direction. We also remembered all the absent ones, and especially such as would have loved to be with us had their matters and interests so favored. We have no doubt that the blessings received by those in attendance were shared also by those whose hearts were with us; such surely was our petition on your behalf. We trust that not only those present received a great blessing, but that they have carried it to their homes and that thus it has spread abroad, filling many hearts after the manner of the widow's cruse of oil, which continually poured forth until every empty vessel had been filled.
We look forward to a still larger attendance at the St. Louis Convention, though we cannot hope for a more successful session, nor to have a greater blessing from the Lord. St. Louis is centrally located, has a large population, and the World's Fair excursion rates will favor us there considerably.