IV. QUAR., LESSON VI., NOV. 11, MARK 3:6-19.
Golden Text—"I have chosen you and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit."—John 15:16.—
For full treatment of the main point of this lesson—the ordination of the twelve apostles—see our issue of May 1, '93; also the last page of June 15, '93.
Other points of interest in the above selection are (1) our Lord's fortitude in pursuing his work, notwithstanding the opposition which conspired even against his life.—Verses 1-5.
(2) We observe his caution in subsequently withdrawing from that locality when duty no longer necessitated his stay. He did not unnecessarily expose himself to danger and then look for miraculous interpositions of providence for his protection, and claim such interposition on the strength of the fact that his hour to die had not yet come. He used natural means and precautions for his preservation and protection until "his hour was come," and then, as a sheep before her shearers is dumb, so he opened not his mouth, nor exerted himself in the least to preserve his life.—Verses 6,7.
(3) The completeness and instantaneousness of his cures evidence a miraculous gift of healing. At the word of his command the man's hand was restored whole as the other.—Verse 5.
(4) His wonderful works were drawing the attention of multitudes from various quarters—both Jews and Gentiles—and thus creating a popularity for the gospel which would be favorable to its dissemination later.—Verses 7,8.
(5) Verses 9,10 indicate that many of his healings of the sick were accomplished by imparting a measure of his own vitality, thus impoverishing himself to bless others. (See also Luke 6:19; 8:43-46.) Feeling, therefore, his own loss of strength after continued service of this kind, he withdrew for rest and refreshment, both physical and spiritual.
(6) Regarding the testimony of the unclean spirits concerning Christ, see our issue of July 15.