DEAR BROTHER RUSSELL:—It is very encouraging to hear from you occasionally, if only a few lines. I would no doubt write more and much oftener, if I thought there would be anything of interest to you.
Of one thing I am quite sure: If you were to be in the colporteur's place for a short time, you would have still stronger evidence of the great work being done and that is to be done by DAWN. Even Herod, I think, would say—"I find no fault." If the succeeding volumes are as worthy as the first and second, will the Lord not use it even unto the end of the Millennial age? It helps to open the eyes of the blind, to set the prisoners free, and to cause all to see the beauty of his Word.
As to the work here, I trust the result will be acceptable to the Lord. The towers of Babylon are very high in this place, but there are also not a few "little ones." These, we trust, are being found. We, in all, have about 700 names now, and hope to take three or four hundred more. Brothers Weimar and Leigh are each getting along nicely. We have little meetings of our own, which of course are encouraging to all. One who has been in this post of service for some time can find many little things to encourage a beginner. In working smaller towns it would be hardly advisable for three to go together, so we were glad to hear from the brother in Ohio, wanting a companion.
We think we shall be able to finish the work here, for the present, about the 18th of this month. Please have a box containing three or four hundred DAWNS ready to ship to us on Wednesday, if you can. I am using the Arp Tracts freely and am sure they are doing a good work.
I feel that we should get over the cities of the several states as fast as possible. Good reports are being heard from places where DAWN was introduced over a year since. Remember me when you can find a little time for writing. S. D. ROGERS.
DEAR BROTHER RUSSELL:—Your lines came duly to hand. I rejoice to know that you are praying the dear Lord's blessing upon me and all. Through the favor of God I am getting along pretty well in the blessed harvest work. Though my feet through the day get sore from walking so much, yet in the morning they are generally restored. I think by and by it will be better as I work myself in. I am determined to endure. My heart's desire is to esteem all things a loss, on account of the excellency of the knowledge of the Anointed Jesus, my Lord. And with my whole being I do desire to press along the line towards the prize of the high calling. My sales for the first ten days run as follows:—22, 24, 19, 18, 29, 24, 18, 18, 31, 30, total 233.
Praise the dear Lord that I am able to be a co-worker and under-reaper with Jesus the Chief-Reaper. Your Christian Brother working and watching, J. A. WEIMAR.
[Our readers will remember Bro. Weimar as the one who left a Baptist pulpit in Meriden, Conn., recently; going forth to preach the "good tidings" without human hindrance and to a larger congregation, delivering sixteen sermons at a time, by the selling of DAWN VOL. I. His first experience, here related, is remarkably good. We know that his every sacrifice and self-denial for the truth's sake will be amply rewarded by our great Master, both with present joys and future glories.—EDITOR.]
DEAR BROTHER RUSSELL:—I am just writing to encourage you by telling you how we are getting on. The other two are going to make their final deliveries Friday and Saturday and then leave for some northern town. I do not make mine till the 20th and 21st.
I am slowly but surely improving. At first I could not sell more than sixteen, but now get up to nineteen and twenty-one, and I can assure you no one is more pleased than I. I have not been getting over the ground as fast as the others and have hardly averaged as many as Bro. W., but I am very thorough and sell more in a given space. I shall perhaps work south from here.
Last Monday I delivered a lot of books, about 88, and as I was passing along one of the streets this evening, a lady who was sitting at the window reading her DAWN saw me. I saw her face light up, and she rose, and I waited till she came out. She invited me in and I had a two-hours talk with her and her estimable husband. Like all the earnest ones she was so delighted with the truth, she wanted every one to have it, and had talked to her neighbors so that two more wanted it. A few grains of wheat like this pays for all we have done here. By God's favor I want to spend the balance of my time ministering to the saints.
There is also a gentleman here who has withdrawn from the sects after reading the TOWER for some time, though all his family are opposed to him and ashamed of him.
I think my experience would help any of the colporteurs who need a word of encouragement. I don't think any one would have more to overcome from within than I. I am Yours in Christian Love,
Indianapolis, Ind., May 18th '89.
DEAR BROTHER RUSSELL:—As proposed, I delivered the DAWNS in Noblesville on Monday last and canvassed in Anderson for 4-1/2 days. Have not counted the names, but think between 125 and 150 names, beside about 30 sold out of hand.
I met one deeply interested reader at Anderson and had a good talk, and for more of it he invited me to stop over night with him when I return Monday to deliver DAWNS.
At Anderson I put the delivery on the first Monday after receiving the names. The place is full of spiritualism and the "blind guides" call it "nonsense," but do not attempt to tell why it is nonsense, and are helpers.
Although the weather is hot, I have good health and speak in the Park here on Sunday. Also could get a church at Noblesville and they would like lectures at Anderson in their fine park. However, both canvassing and lecturing going on together (especially lectures on week-day evenings) seem too much for me in hot weather.
I am rejoiced to see the quickening effect of DAWN VOL. II. All consecrated persons and even others who read intelligently the first Volume are greatly moved and influenced by the statements of Vol. II. Many have been impelled to take a more decided interest in the great truths of both Volumes and have taken a firmer stand in advocating the truth openly and fearlessly. To this I attribute the intense interest and increased numbers attending our late meeting in Allegheny.
I have a letter from Sister Ray who states that 25 or 30 are reported as having left the churches in the western part of Springfield. She will when able visit some of them.
With kindest remembrance and love to you and Sister R., joined by Mrs. A.,
DEAR BROTHER RUSSELL:—It is with extreme regret that I feel obliged to give up meeting you and many brethren on Sunday, April 14th. I have earnestly desired to go, and prayed that the Lord would open up a way for me to bear the additional expense, but I see no prospect now. It is not that I value $25 or even $50 so highly that I cannot part with it; but I am under heavy obligations, in part for others, and I am not my own until this is accomplished. So I must deny myself what would be to me a great privilege and blessing. Well, a time will come, I am pretty certain, when I can go without loss to any one. My heart and sympathies are with you all in this glorious reunion, where there will be a taste of heavenly joy. I shall calculate on next year for a certainty, if alive.
May light and joy, more and greater, go out from the efforts you and the brethren are continuing to put forth, to the praise of the great God and our glorious Redeemer.
I will write again after a time. For the fourth time I am going through Vol. I. You would be surprised to see the marks of emphasis and the underscoring on every page. In this way I get the essence or spirit of each thought, at a glance. Sometimes perusing a sentence six or eight times before marking. The Ransom is a fact with me.
Vol. II., so far (only half through it), is a rich mine, a treasure house of truth. To me, it is giving more conviction than anything before it. The light is becoming bright! Your chronology is extremely convincing and the time periods wonderful in their completeness. No "chance" in this! I shall make full notes in my large margin Bible, from Vol. II. for future use. I rejoice with you more and more.
Yours, in Christ's service, B. P__________.
P.S.—"Old Theology Tracts:" Put me down for 1000 copies quarterly (4000 tracts) $25, of which I will use 200 copies to commence with, the balance to go as you find workers to use them. And with first lot please send 200 Arp Slips and 100 envelopes. I shall order some DAWNS soon.
DEAR BRETHREN:—The one hundred copies of VOL. II. came to-day. Since my last I had a little experience: I failed utterly to get a house of any kind to speak in the first of last week. The M.E. church, though used for anything to raise money for that sect, is not let out for anything outside the denomination. The Disciple house had never been in the habit of being let out, and did not wish to change its custom. It is ruled by one man whose only merit is that by horse trading he has more money than any other member of the congregation, and is opposed to instrumental music at home and in the church, and the members bow to him for his lucre. The trustees granted the use of the school house, but the teacher, a narrow and bigoted U.P., objected, and my way was blocked in that direction. But I was bound to be heard, so on Tuesday I had a bell rung over town calling meeting in front of one of the vacant store rooms. I had a splendid and attentive audience, and made such a good impression that the
[Letters continued on 8th page.]
[Interesting Letters Continued]
people were much displeased with their rulers, and during the remainder of the week murmured against them. The following evenings were too cold for out-door meetings, but the landlord of the hotel where I am stopping is friendly to my work and has been very helpful to me. On Friday evening, he put his parlor at my service and invited about thirty of the best citizens to hear a parlor lecture on The Plan. The Chart was stretched against the wall and fully illuminated, and the lecture met with such hearty approval that all present are anxious to hear further of "this way." One lady present kindly offered her parlor for the next lecture. But public sentiment grew loud in favor of public lectures, and this week I have the school house. Last night I lectured to an audience of 36, and distributed a number of Towers and Tracts. This will be kept up all week. I put an "Arp" in every Tower, Tract or book I give, out and before the week is out, the entering wedge of present truth will be in every house in this vicinity.
On last Sabbath evening I gave a full summary of the Allegheny meeting to a large audience at P. Our friends are alive there. In view of my coming the hall was scrubbed and whitewashed, and a vase of beautiful flowers was placed on the stand. A Presbyterian Minister from Delaware, Ohio, was one of my hearers, and was favorably impressed. I go back there next Sunday. The friends talk of starting a Sunday Bible class in order to search the Word for the whole truth. The Lord is leading them.
The tract you sent me before the meeting, I at once sent to a Mrs. A., and she gave it to Mr. R. He immediately sent to your office for more and has been mailing them in DAWN envelopes to all his Presbyterian brethren. Thus the truth spreads. Let us praise the Lord. Regards to all. Yours in the Love of the Truth,
DEAR BROTHER RUSSELL:—You will be glad to know that Brothers Page, Dixon, and Dickinson met with us at our home Sunday, April 14th. In the morning we considered the Passover historically, reading Gieke's account of the celebration as observed in Christ's time, and noted that the early Christians in Palestine and Syria commemorated the Lord's Supper on Passover anniversaries only. In the afternoon we studied the symbolism of the Passover, and of its successor, the Lord's Supper. In the evening we participated in the broken body and shed blood, in a manner far more impressive and real, than if our business-like Brother Page had been retired to give place to surpliced and stoled priest, backed by the transubstantiation dogma: and my writing table, covered with a white cloth, and furnished with plain glass service (emblematic of purity and innocence) had been supplanted by a gorgeous altar, fenced off by the kneeling rail, beyond which the "laity" dare not trespass. We had no costly organ, no robed boy choir, but there was a harmony and peace in our hearts the world cannot give or take away.
Your Brother in Christ, W. M. WRIGHT.
C. T. RUSSELL, DEAR BROTHER:—I greet you with much love and joy in the Lord. VOL. II. of "DAWN" has indeed been greatly instrumental in strengthening and confirming convictions that the day of the Lord is present, that we are indeed in the harvest of the "Gospel age," when his chosen are being gathered, "as a shepherd seeketh out his flock in the day that he is among his sheep that are scattered" (Ezek. 34:12), when the "Abomination that maketh desolate" is visibly being consumed by the bright shining of his presence.
I must say that I rejoice with joy unspeakable and glorious as I am learning more about that new song which no man could learn but the hundred and forty and four thousand. I rejoice even, seeing the opposition against the truth, that is still permitted to try our faith. Many here are getting interested, and MILLENNIAL DAWN has many friends and advocates. The truth is beginning to take hold in this city now, though I seemed to be a lone witness for the truth in New Orleans for the last six or seven years.
I distribute tracts on Sundays, to congregations as they dismiss. I have not yet been molested—with the exception of being asked by pastors, with threats of arrest, to cease giving these things to their flocks. The non-interference must have been providential, as I now learn that a city ordinance, forbidding the distribution of tracts, circulars, etc., has been rigidly enforced, in this place, during the last six months. The last large lot of Arp Slips are now nearly out. About 50 copies of DAWN are out, being read and re-read. The rest have been sold. Some are beginning to join us in singing the Song of Moses and the Lamb. Many more I hope will be "sealed" while this "great calm before the storm"—as it were (Rev. 7:1)—lasts. May the Lord strengthen us, to faithfully improve the opportunities.
Yours in fellowship, C. A. S__________.
MY BELOVED BRO.:—Some way I am kept at high pressure in my work all the time these days. Yet I bless and thank my Lord. He honors me by permitting me to "sup" frequently with Him, and to keep constantly doing a little something in his service.
Please send me 40 "DAWNS" No. I, and I will remit the first of the next month. I send nearly all the DAWNS I dispose of by mail, to parties in whom I have found a disposition to listen, and who promise to read. Generally I present the work with my compliments, as it takes better and attracts more attention. Then when forwarding the book, I write the party to whom it is sent, a letter such as seems proper under the circumstances.
You can put me down for $50, which I will send you about October 1st, '89, toward paying expense of publishing DAWN VOL. II. in paper as a number of the TOWER. I am glad that all the brethren can thus have it, and now see the way clear to make this arrangement with you, and joy in the fact that the Master will allow me to so pledge myself. Please send me 100 Missionary Envelopes, and about 500 Arp Slips.
Yours in service and much Christian love, W. E. P__________.