With the present year almost gone and the new one at the door, we tender humble thanks to God and congratulate our readers, that we are still earnestly and lovingly and deeply interested, in the study of our Father's Word. Thank God, the truth still shines, brighter and brighter, more and more. Let us thank him warmly for the blessings past, as we earnestly implore others for the year at hand—
"More and more, more and more,
Always more to follow.
Oh, the matchless, boundless love!
Still there's more to follow."
May the coming year be as this one, and much more abundant, in grace and love and knowledge of our Father's character and plan, is our prayer.
Those of the Lord's poor who by reason of any circumstances are unable to pay for the TOWER the coming year, but who want it, should remember the offer at the head of this column,—to supply such free—and should accept it as from the Lord; as one of his numberless gifts. Such should not hesitate nor delay to write now for 1889, if they would have their papers continued.
To all in Christ Jesus we send hearty greetings and best wishes for the year 1889.