"A VERY unpleasant complication has arisen in a wealthy and fashionable church in Cincinnati. For some time past a woman of previously doubtful reputation has been a constant attendant at the services of this church. She has frequently been affected to tears by the sermons, and in other ways manifested a great interest in religion. The prominent members of the church, however, and especially the ladies, are indignant at her for venturing to sit among respectable people, and the pastor has been requested to inform her that she is not wanted. Thus far he does not appear to have done this, and a number of people talk of leaving the church, unless this woman is made to do so. Wonder if these ladies ever read the eighth chapter of John, from the third to the eleventh verses. Probably not, or if they have, it is very likely they don't believe in any such spirit as that shown by Jesus the Christ."—Sel.
WHOSE is this fastidious? "Church;" Whose spirit has it? Surely the church founded by Christ included Mary Magdalene. The great fashionable congregations of the worldly have its spirit, which is against (contrary to) Christ's spirit.