Because Paul, referring to the Lord's Supper, says that we do thus "show forth the Lord's death till he come," some regard that as a limitation. Consider, however, that in the Jewish age the typical lamb was slain and eaten every year, until our Lord, the true or antitypical lamb, came. But when John the Baptist introduced our Lord as present, and said "Behold the Lamb of God," the killing and eating of the typical lamb did not at once cease to be proper; for our Lord himself observed it up to the same night in which he was betrayed. The commemoration of the typical lamb only ceased to be proper, when the antitypical lamb was slain on Calvary.
So now, our Lord, the true Lamb of God, gave us the bread and wine as emblems of his flesh and blood, given for us—for our passing over or sparing. And we are to commemorate his death with these emblems until he comes, and until the last member of his body shall have been passed over—into the fullness of salvation, with him and like him. Then the symbol shall cease, the antitype having fully come in our being thus passed over. Until this grand consummation of our hopes, it is proper for us to show it forth by commemorating his broken body and shed blood by which it shall be secured.