October 1st 1881.
Having but a few minutes to post a letter in time to meet steamer leaving Liverpool today, I write in haste a few words. Arrived in Glasgow on Wednesday, and spent the day in hunting up some party, but could find none. Advertised in paper my wants and left for Edinburgh, Dundee and Aberdeen, to extreme north, intending to distribute at each place. I succeeded without delay and returned in the night to Glasgow, having 18 replies to my advertisement. The first I called upon I made a contract with, and came here again to hear from London, but received no letter. I telegraphed to learn how things were getting along, and enclosed find a favorable reply. So far—
100,000 pamphlets for London,
30,000 "
20,000 "
10,000 "
5,000 "
I will now go to Carlisle and New Castle next, which will be distributing on my way down as near right geographically as I can to Liverpool, Manchester, Hull, Leeds, etc. Think I can get through all well.
I had time to call on Mr. Robert Young, critical translator of the Bible and author of "Young's Analytical Hebrew and Greek Concordance," and I asked his opinion of the text in 2 John 7, in regard to the Coming of Christ in the flesh, and he says that there is no doubt about the passage referring only to Christ's first Coming. I mentioned the quibble regarding the Rochester phase of it, and he said: "O no, no, it means only the first Coming."
Am enjoying good health, of which you may inform any inquiring friends and trust you are enjoying the same.
Working in hope that the labor bestowed will fall upon good ground, and produce many fold to the glory of God.